Happy Caps - Mushrooms Capsules$14,99Price3pk capsules6pk capsules DOES NOT CONTAIN PSILOCYBINActive Ingredients: Muscarine, Muscimol, Ibotenic Acid.Ingredients: Vegetable Cellulose, Titanium Dioxide and Muscimol extract powder from Amanita Muscaria, Pantherina, Regalis.CantidadSelectQuantityAdd to CartBuy Now
Happy Caps - Mushrooms Capsules$14,99Price3pk capsules6pk capsules DOES NOT CONTAIN PSILOCYBINActive Ingredients: Muscarine, Muscimol, Ibotenic Acid.Ingredients: Vegetable Cellulose, Titanium Dioxide and Muscimol extract powder from Amanita Muscaria, Pantherina, Regalis.CantidadSelectQuantityAdd to CartBuy Now